Monday, October 28, 2024

Oct 28, 2024 Hospital Hermitage

My hospital Hermitage

It struck me this morning that I’m in a Hermitage of sorts. My hospital room is 12 by 24. It has mostly all I need and many people have brought me good things to enjoy for my wants. I even have Gregorian chants that I can play in the background. I don’t think the hospital will let me light up incense though. Lots of contemplative time to spend with God. I ponder, I listen for his voice, in both scripture and in the quiet spaces.

Coming out of remission has been hard. The path ahead is not nearly as clear as it was a year ago. Plan B’s are always more squishy. I missed my fall - my favorite time of year, sitting on the back porch at sunset in front of the outdoor fireplace smelling the pinion and juniper burn, Feeling the crisp cool air, seeing the glory of God displayed in the fall colors.

 The Lord continues to show me great kindness, mercy and Grace daily. My heart is not troubled, it’s very much at peace which absolutely is not my nature. I thank Him That. I am thankful for the many opportunities to pray for my caregivers, to encourage them in their faith, to be a listening ear who will listen to their challenges of life and perhaps help them walk a little more in tune with what God has planned for their lives. I am blessed, despite the leukemia, despite being stuck in a hospital. I pray blessings upon your day, that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ would be upon you and yours. May His face shine upon you, may His blessing be upon you May you know the goodness and the compassion and the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is truly the God Creator worth knowing, worth your time.

1 comment:

  1. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We miss you and Lesa, and are sending you prayers for comfort, healing, strength and perseverance. Take good care Gary, keep us updated. May God bless you always!!!


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