Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Oct 23, 2024 Big Improvement in #'s

Well good news this morning. My numbers on my white blood cells dropped way down from 184 to 33 this morning. This means I'm much closer to being able to start the Blencyto, which is the best Plan B. The fatigue definitely dialed up today -  probably the Sprycel oral chemo. 

Working really hard at trying to keep my stamina up. 20 minutes on the treadmill this morning and hope to get in a solid 30 minutes this afternoon I think that's my best option for keeping stamina up. I also have some home PT core exercises that I can do here at the hospital so we'll try to keep those up.

One of the challenges in this is to see a hospital stay as not just a sideline but where God has me for a purpose.

In His grace - may his grace be upon you today upon you and yours.

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Feb 27 Grateful Check

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