Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Feb 13: 2 Days of Melphalan - "What do you want me to do for you?"

 Could I ask a favor? Could you comment how you are notified when I post something new and include your initials in the comment? Thanks. 

Here we go. 

Melphalan. 2nd chemo added to the mix today for today and tomorrow. The "nuclear" chemo. 

Big typical side-effects. Fatigue, hair loss, mucosal sores and the big D. They will have me eating ice almost non-stop for 30 min during and 30 min post infusion. This constricts the blood vessels in my mouth and esophagus, helping reduce the amount of Melphalan getting to the mucus membrane, and reducing it's effects on it. Sores can develop further down the GI tract wherever mucus membranes are present. They've had me on Prilosec for a few days now to reduce acid levels in the stomach. The sores don't really start to heal until my white blood cell count starts to recover in 2-3 weeks post-transplant (this Friday). 

But God... 

Whatever I face/endure in this, may He be glorified in my response. He is not bound by statistics or time. As Jesus asked the blind man, "What do you want me to do for you?" His response, "I want to see." 
What am I asking Jesus? Both for the reality of today and for eternity. Lord, I ask that you take this cup from me, if it be Your will. No sores, no fatigue, no D. I'm 100% ok losing my hair. From an eternal perspective, that He might be glorified in my words and deeds during this time of trial. 

I'm enjoying what I suspect will be my last cup of Java for a couple of weeks. One of those flavors that went south with previous chemo. One of my 4 chemo rounds previously, my taste went to only really tasting sweet and bitter. Creamy foods with mayo and sr. cream were "nice." I ate more sweet foods than I normally do. 

Here's 2 shots of my room. Whatever T. Boone Pickens motivation was for his donation for this hospital, I'm grateful. Nice wood accent, in-room fridge, room to spread out, a workspace, love seat that makes into a bed, private bath and recliner. I brought a digital frame with pics of my favorite peeps and some other memories of woodworking projects and kayaking trips. And the end of the hall in a cubby for the staff elevator is a nice recumbent bike. I got in 12 min today. And have got 1-2 sessions in since I discovered it on Sat. Trying to "bank" some stamina. 

May you be blessed today with grace, mercy, joy, peace, and most of all, the love of Jesus. 


  1. Not getting update notices just check a couple times a week.. Praying for you Gary
    NtKLR650 - TWTex

  2. Same. I don’t get update notifications but check in every few days. -TSchill

  3. I don’t get any notifications but try to check in every so often. MK


5 Vaccines, 4 childhood

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