Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 18: Home stretch of sorts

Yesterday was day 72 of the 100 day monitoring regime and a visit with Dr. Pineiro. 4 weeks to go.

  • Very grateful to have made it to here with little/no GVHD symptoms. 
  • 3 drugs were either reduced or dropped at my appt yesterday
  • Some drugs may extend beyond 100 days, but close monitoring will end on day 100 unless complications arise.
  • My next doc visit will be day 100. Visits will continue after that, probably monthly for awhile and then less frequent for the next 2 years.
Despite my biggest pain challenge, I am grateful to God that so many potential challenges with the transplant have not materialized. Coming up on a full circle of seasons. I started this leukemia journey late last summer and weathered the challenges through fall, winter, spring and now coming back into summer. I thank you for your encouragement along the journey, your help, your care. Time will tell what the next big step holds in this journey. 

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Blessings on you and yours today,


  1. God is good all the time. We are continuing to pray for you and your whole family Gary. These good reports are such an answer to prayers.

  2. Hey brother, Glad to read of your progress. It just hit me this morning, related to the general weakness in the upper GI, specifically mouth sores.... I used to get ulcers in my mouth when I would hit my gums, etc. with a toothbrush, get hit in the mouth/lip, etc. Then I discovered SLS (sodium laurel sulfate). That's the foaming ingredient in most toothpastes. I read a post from a dentist in Alberta that getting his patients off toothpastes with SLS made a tremendous difference in frequency and severity of these ulcers as the SLS that weakened the epithelial cells inside the mouth was no longer present. I tried it and had an immediate benefit: I went from frequent ulcers to zero. I wonder if it would be helpful to you? One brand of toothpaste that doesn't have SLS is Biotene. I'm so sorry that I didn't mention this sooner, but I hope it might be of help. I love you much, brother.


Feb 27 Grateful Check

 I have a lot to be grateful for.  18 months since first diagnosed and doing fairly well.  No sign of blasts (cancer cells) and all my white...