Saturday, February 10, 2024

Feb 10: If it's Saturday, it must be Fludarabine

Good things

I got a PICC line yesterday in my left bicep. They thought they might have to install a central line in my chest, rather than a PICC in my arm, but the PICC ladies were successful.

My room is HEPA filtered and a positive air room which pushes all the air out through the HEPA filter in the door.

The first step in my SBMT starts today with Fludarabine chemo for 5 days. It has some pretty grave potential side-effects like half the drugs advertised on TV. Fortunately, I don't plan to get pregnant and the really bad side-effects are rare. Expected side-effects are nausea, mouth/GI sores, hair loss and fatigue.

They are very much about preventing infection on this floor. Wipedowns daily of the room, daily showering with Hibiclens, masking among other prevention. Factoid - A CDC study says 1 in 20 hospital stays result in an infection.

Blessings to you all,


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