Sunday, March 3, 2024

Mar 3: +16 The Exit™


Last chance to bail out and jump down to the bolded sentence. 

Today's discussion of The Exit™ is brought to you by Quaker State, a fine motor oil not to be used on or in the human body. 

Specifically, I want to discuss the product called PROCTOfoam. You can imagine where this is going.

As fine a Rube Goldberg device as ever was invented. It looks straightforward, but it takes some finesse to fill the syringe. The first pass, it's over-pressurized and will pop out the syringe from the pressure, as in shoot it across the room. After that, it's a back & forth of 2 secs of releasing foam, then 8-12 seconds of waiting on the foam to expand/fill the syringe for 5-6 cycles. That took several trial and error tries. Then, the filled syringe is used to fill The Exit™ as best you can. 

So, leaving The Exit behind (Dad pun)... 

A quick aside. The device below is a UV light room sterilizer. They use it between patients to blast the room with UV light. It's a full 360 blast. the black cover on the right side comes off revealing the same set of UV light emitting tubes as you see on the left. It's just amazing what people can come with using their God-given talents for good. 

Today's numbers were encouraging. 1.4 WBC and 1.16 ANC. Almost a doubling of both numbers. Based on this, barring any curve balls, Tue will be my go home day. 

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