Saturday, February 24, 2024

Feb 24: +8 days and pills

 It's been a rough couple of days. I do feel better this morning, so hopefully a better day. The fatigue yesterday was horrible. And, it seems I was fighting some infeciton. Fever, horrible chills. 

This process I think is powered by pills. And, I used to not have a problem taking pills, that is until now. I used to take two or three pills at a time without any qualms. Now I have started balking even with just one pill. I think I figured out and retraining myself to take pills again with the aid of a water bottle. You may use that trick already - reforms the shape of your mouth so to help the pill go down easier when you drink from a water bottle with a narrow opening.

One day's worth of pills. At home, I take 2 pills/day. 


+8 days on the transplant. I'm guessing there will be some ups and downs until the WBC starts to trend up again around +15. 

Metaphorically, I think some people live lives with lots of "pills." They could be actually pills, activities, distractions, etc. Anything to not face the real issue of life. When I believed, put my faith and hope in Jesus, I got rid of my "pills," because He cured me with His touch. 

Blessings on your day,

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