Friday, September 1, 2023

Fri, Sept 1 Can I go home?

 Had a great day to day; feeling great ready to go home, but they just won't let me.

Gonna be here at least another full week because of managing the chemo effects and planning the next step.

The nurses and doctors here had an interesting question they were kicking around and so I'll throw it out to you, " If you're in a coma, what song would you want to hear that would bring you out of that coma?” I'll share my answer in a follow up comment. I have 3 songs - a spiritual, classical, and rock answer.

I know it's weird to hear probably, but this has been one of the most blessed weeks and a half in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Songs I would want to hear in a coma.
    Spiritual - Be Thou My Vision,
    Classical - Ride of the Valkyries,
    Rock & Roll - any good instrumental riff, eg jeff Beck, Van Halen/Eruption, Boston/Foreplay/Long Time


Feb 27 Grateful Check

 I have a lot to be grateful for.  18 months since first diagnosed and doing fairly well.  No sign of blasts (cancer cells) and all my white...