Monday, December 4, 2023

Dec 4: Peace, Medicare and Piano

 Another hodge-podge of thoughts. 


In this Advent season, Peace is one of the themes. Many people grew up with the angel's declaration, "Glory to God in the highest, Peace on earth; goodwill toward men." Many miss that the peace is The Peace - Jesus, the Messiah, who had come to earth in the flesh, and ultimately brought peace through His death on the cross between God and those that would put their faith & trust in Jesus, the Messiah. That's the positional peace between us and God. Practical peace then becomes a step of faith - trusting God in circumstances that seem to lack peace - contentiousness, animosity, lack of unity, and simply lack of peace in your soul with your circumstances. 

which leads me to...


Definitely tries my desire to live in peace with my medical situation and its costs. Trusting God to bring peace to my situation with Sprycel and what Medicare is saying they will and won't cover. The figures as I understand them is it'll cost me about $3400 this month, my first month to be on Medicare (and my first & last month of 2023; lucky me.) and 2024, which is looking like $8000 for Jan & Feb combined. That's better than the $14,000/mo the drug "actually" costs. I have 3 more days to wrangle it, possibly get Medicare to cover it under Part B vs Part D (subscription) and pick a Part D plan for 2024 by Dec 7th. Seems fitting that's Pearl Harbor Day.

UPDATE: BMS has covered my Sprycel and the normal Medicare and supplemental deductible has kicked in, which is tolerable.  

which leads me to....


Which has nothing to do with the first two thoughts. I was blessed that the Beaty's, the previous house owners, decided to leave their piano. I took lessons for 3+ years as an elementary age kid, then gave it up in sixth grade for trombone.. Long story short, I've come back to it. It is peaceful to play, except when I miss notes. I'm grateful for the opportunity to play again. 

Blessings to you all. May grace and mercy be yours in full measure. 


It's nice to have fall color in the back yard. One of our maples. 

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