Saturday, November 4, 2023

Nov 4: Almost normal

Nostalgia - Back in the 60's, Nov 1st was the official watch party for the appearance of the Sears Christmas Catalog from the postman and that amazing 4-color section of toys that became dog-eared and hope upon hope, might show up on Christmas morning. 

Almost normal

Blood counts almost normal, but still on the anemic side,

Taste almost normal,

Cotton-mouth almost gone, but thirst never seems to be fully quenched, 

Gastrointestinal almost normal, but not

Stamina almost normal. 

I'm hoping a good percentage is still residual from last round's IV chemo, and not the daily oral chemo, SpryCel, I'm taking now. 

Almost normal is better than dead, but it's not normal, and it's wearisome. 

Grace and mercy be upon you all. Enjoy the extra hour of sleep tonight. 


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