Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Oct 24: Mish-mash

Visit to doc today: Blood counts were good. Everything "ok."

Good numbers, but still fighting some fatigue and cotton mouth/blah taste. 

 What is remission? 

In times past, remission was classified as <3% aberrant cells. They can now measure 1 in a million aberrant cells, so the standard of what is remission is higher, but then by that measure, you're likelihood of staying in remission is better if your closer to 1 in a million vs just < 3%. 

If I'm closer to 1/1million, then perhaps stem cell/bone marrow transplantation won't be the best option. 

It's an evolving thing. 

Thankfully, God is not evolving. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is my refugee and my fortress, my strong salvation. 


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