Thursday, October 19, 2023

Oct 19: Tough morning; good afternoon and cool stuff

Cool stuff.

BUMC (Baylor University Medical Center), Downtown Dallas is where I'm at. They have music therapists that go around and play music for people. My guy came by with the guitar and played a couple of songs Ring of Fire/Johnny Cash and Amazing Grace (his #1 requested). He asked me about my music background and talked a little bit and then he said,"Hey, would you like to have a keyboard to practice on while you're here at the hospital?" And I said sure that would be awesome. Here's what he brought by. More practice in at the hospital than I do at home.


This morning was rough. Let's just say I had some major lower blockage that took some major solutions. All better now. That, and a shower. 

Afternoon has been great. 

Word is tomorrow, chemo finishes, "get" to have another intrathecal/lower lumbar tap, maybe a blood transfusion because my RBC's are low, pull my PICC, then home late Friday. 

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