Thursday, September 14, 2023

Sep 14: Ring of Fire

 Worked a little yesterday at the office. Good to see people. 

Some odd side effects - light sensitivity; feels like my eyes have been dilated. 

Second is somewhat delicate topic of bm's. Let's just say everything seems normal, except I'm singing Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" at the top of my lungs and Prep H barely makes a dent. This is an earnest prayer request for relief. 

Taste is still slightly off on savor; bitter is heightened. 

Lack of stamina & fatigue are still buddies. 

But there is much good, starting with being at home, enjoying my own bed, my own food. 

1 comment:

  1. Being home and working are blessings. How wonderful they are. Our cups runneth over. You continue to be in my daily prayer. Know that you are loved. Your brother in Christ, Gary


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