Monday, October 21, 2024

it's Back.

Well this past Friday was a big surprise. I had a colonoscopy and everything was good and clear but that morning I could tell that something was going on with my arm. What I thought was a DVT in the arm where I had one before during my first chemo round back in August of 2023.

After the talk to my transplant oncologist, he had me come in to get the DVT properly diagnosed. They also drew blood and discovered that my white blood cell count was up around 138, when it should be 9 to 11. So they admitted me to the hospital, started strategizing plans, and here I am today. It started with Sprycel which is an oral chemo to get my numbers down, and then hopefully in a day or two can start Blencyto which is a infusion biologic for acute lymphocytic leukemia.

In some ways this has been harder than the first diagnosis I had a good 8 months of feeling good no symptoms posts donor transplant. I'm grateful it was caught early and so they don't think I felt any of the symptoms I felt the first go round. The treatment plans are definitely squishier cause they're all Plan B's. but again, our God is not ruled by statistics so his plan is good and perfect even if I don't know what the details are and what the outcome will be.

Prayers of healing are appreciated and not taken lightly. Prayers for Lesa and the disruption that this causes in our lives.

WBC is 194 today. 

God is good.

1 comment:

  1. My wife, kids and I are praying for you brother every day. Good is good, to him all the glory.


Feb 27 Grateful Check

 I have a lot to be grateful for.  18 months since first diagnosed and doing fairly well.  No sign of blasts (cancer cells) and all my white...