Thursday, March 7, 2024

Mar 7: +28 Anybody up for pill bingo?


I am VERY, VERY, VERY happy to be home. 

Fatigue is a big thing. They warned me, but it still a little bit of a surprise. I did a small project yesterday - made a little 45 degree mounting bracket for our ring camera. It was all I could do to get the tools put up at the end. 

I still covet your prayers, as the next 100 days is a constant monitoring for infections and GVHD (graft vs host disease.) The burden on me and Lesa to get me to doc appointments downtown 2-3 times a week is wearisome. The visits include labs and infusions and can last 2-4 hrs, Thank you all to those have helped with that. 
UPDATE: A Praise. After Friday's visit, they're cutting me back to 1 day/week lab/doc visit. Also pulled my PICC line and no more anticipated IV fluid or IV antibiotic push. 

I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.  Phil 4:13-14

I am still learning this. 

Faith, hope and most of all, love, be yours in full measure today. 

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