Saturday, January 27, 2024

Jan 27: Forgetful - follow up

 I have been forgetful and a poor blogger. 

A follow up on Medicare coverage and my drugs. 

I talked about switching to Medicare and some of the crazy costs with some of the cancer drugs. I praise God in that BMS decided to provide a year of Sprycel, my daily oral chemo, for the whole year 2024, free of charge. Grateful for programs like this one, for BMS giving me this, and ultimately, for God's moving and acting in this way. Every, and I mean EVERY good gift is from above, the Father of lights. 

I also am grateful for what Medicare covers and being able to afford a Medicare supplemental gap plan. God provides. My month long Blincyto infusion was about $65K at the insurance rate. Medicare and gap covered that minus a small deductible. 

Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick. Matthew 14:14

May your day be blessed. 

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Feb 27 Grateful Check

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