Friday, December 29, 2023

Dec 29: New Year's Eve at BUMC

 Here's where I'll be ushering in 2024, if all goes as planned. It's a happenin' place!

Another sign of the times. BUMC now requires visitors register upon entering a building for 2024. 

Saw oncologist this morning, but room won't open up until 2p. So, I treated myself to a Potbelly sandwich for lunch instead of hospital fare. It was good; 2 thumbs up. UPDATE: I didn't get a room until 5:30p, ugh. A wasted day. No Blincyto tonight because the chemo pharmacologists go home at 5p. They did start IV taps in my port. All dressed up, and no place to go. 

Blincyto side effects they seem to be concerned about are neuro brain fog and flu-like symptoms. Hopefully, I won't be any more foggy than usual. 

Blessings, love, grace and mercy be yours in full measure from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 

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