I was maximizing my time outdoors tonight before I go back in for round 3 tomorrow. Sitting in front of a fire on a cool crisp fall night is really nice; almost a slice of heaven. The flames of the fire are mesmerizing, and I was daydreaming about when I rode motorcycles and the sensation of flying when riding, especially on twisty roads. My daydreaming led me to plotting, maybe I could get a bike for a short time, re-live the "days," etc., especially if, you know, my days are numbered.
I almost felt a tap on the shoulder, and a voice, "Your days are numbered; I hold that number."
I give you some slices of heaven, but you're not even close to heaven on that side. Heaven is a place of great joy, totally devoid of sin and its brokenness. No tears, no pain, transformed bodies without sin, in the presence of Jesus, God the Son. Beauty and brilliance in the presence of God that can't even be imagined. You are a stranger and alien on earth; your citizenship is in heaven. You're not home yet.
You're on the right track.